Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Are you kidding me?!?

No!! Not already... Frost on Sept. 2nd. We were driving into town the other day and Abby says "Ooh mom, the trees are so beautiful!" Yes, they are but not really because that means winter is on it's way and I'm absolutely NOT ready for it! I'm still waiting for summer to show up. I think there were 2 days where it actually hit 80 degrees. We wore jackets all of August. Well, I guess that's enough of my wallowing in my own sorrow. Thanks for listening.
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Jen said...

If it makes you feel any better we have now cooled down into the 90's. Fall is definately upon us! :-)

Will and Chelsea said...

I'm sure Provo will cool down in no time and I'll be wanting summer back! I can't imagine wearing jackets during August... you have every right to complain!