Saturday, June 21, 2008

Birch Lake

We went to Birch Lake this week and stayed in a cabin. Our ward got together but Brent had school and work. Just me, Abby and Avery. Aren't I brave?! I left Oscar because I wasn't sure about taking the girls by myself but they had a great time!! It was our first day of the summer to actually hit 80 degrees!! Yesterday was rainy and cloudy (which did not stop the kids from swimming) but today was beautiful... perfect actually. Avery was so excited to swim in the "ocean." She kept saying, "I swim in ocean, I." So cute. Abby told her dad that she had 2 favorite things. Riding the jet skis and
catching a butterfly. She kept saying "Mom, I can't believe it! I can't believe I caught a butterfly. That is so awesome."

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1 comment:

Brett, Julie and kids said...

I love the b log. You're girls are beautiful. Lily is requesting a pic of Abby with the Jazz cat :)
I'm starting to get together some Maine gift packages. HOpefully, I'll get 'em out in a few weeks! love you, Julie